jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Informe E-Government Survey 2010, en el que se habla sobre apertura de datos

Se ha publicado la quinta edición de la encuesta mundial de Naciones Unidas sobre E-Government.
Puede accederse a ella a través de este enlace. Si no tienes tiempo para leerla entera (yo tampoco lo he hecho), te recomiendo el apartado 1.3.2 "The economics of open data", en el que se habla sobre la apertura de datos por parte del gobierno, y la dificultad de invertir en este tipo de iniciativas si se tiene una visión a corto plazo.

Algún párrafo interesante:

In organizational terms, addressing the problem of data dispersion and the lack of common standards would require governments to implement and enforce policies for shared standards of data gathering
and reporting across public agencies at different levels and branches. Finally, acquiring the structure necessary for the delivery of data to third parties entails the provision of a single point of access, conveying and updating all the data gathered in a developer-friendly manner. The steps involved in the appropriate provision of data, as briefly described above, produce better results when they occur simultaneously and in a gradual manner. For instance, governments might achieve their goals more efficiently if they release their data as it becomes available, rather than waiting to reach a hypothetical threshold or target before starting to release their data.

The deployment of human and financial resources to create the structure required for open data is a particularly sensitive matter for governments in the context of an economic downturn and tightening budgets, and it is a major issue at any given time for developing countries. Thus, the incentives to bear these costs rely on the expectation of concrete medium- and long-term results, ....

Enlace al informe completo.

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