martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Apertura de datos: Texto de la declaración de Granada

Para quien no lo conozca, a través de este enlace en el sitio de Europa i2010 enlace podéis acceder al texto completo de la declaración de Granada, en la que se habla sobre la Europa Digital.
Destacar el párrafo en el que se habla sobre el Gobierno abierto y la apertura de datos:
"Public Digital Services
19.Respond to the Malmo Declaration on eGovernment by developing more effective and efficient interoperable public services that emphasise open and transparent government and active participation, that promote the reuse of public sector information and thus potentially very important new user-driven service innovations, that increase the efficiency of government and lead to a measurable reduction in administrative burdens on citizens and businesses as well as contribute to a low-carbon economy.
20.Ensure the implementation of eGovernment strategies at an organisational, legal and technical level including e-ID and e-signatures.
21.Embed innovation and cost effectiveness into eGovernment through the systematic promotion of open standards and interoperable systems, development of EU wide e-authentication schemes and proactive development of e-invoicing, e-procurement (and pre-commercial procurement).
22.Deploy eHealth and ICT assisted elder care services systematically across the EU in order to reduce costs while raising efficiency and the quality of care."

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